our valuES
Holy grails only. We build the ideal, the paragon, the global maxima: we do not compromise, we suspend disbelief, impossible is often just a phase.
Suspend disbelief. It does not need to be an idea yet. An interesting problem is better than an interesting solution. Stretch the limits of plausibility. Steal relentlessly from other fields, from other sectors, from other people, from other centuries. Be vivid, audacious, convergent.
We abandon means in pursuit of outcomes: never the other way around. We care about end goals, about how quickly it can grow, about how much more it can change.
We should do better. Diagnosis is tolerated, excuses are not. We compete with ourselves. We are not swimming in the sea of fate. The majority of factors fall within an internal locus of control.
Culture of honest appraisal, failure acknowledged outright, receive criticism thoughtfully and creatively. Animated disagreement is sometimes how people come to understand complex subjects.
Get going. Commit to the deadline, we can get it done in time. Proactive. Nature abhors a dependency, don't paralyze: parallelize.
The personal is professional: entrepreneurship is all-consuming. Caring and empathetic. We do not outsource wellbeing to HR: it is everyone’s responsibility.
We bring people with us. Magnetise. Create critical mass. Get to the emotional core. Find the leverage, the credibility.
We pride ourselves on our ability to see through accepted belief to root causes, to think from first principles, to learn when we do not know the answer. We tackle complexity and uncertainty head-on. We apply every lense available to us. We believe it can be quantified, assessed, judged.
Our founders' stories