
Revolutionising Paediatric Cancer Treatment

On International Childhood Cancer Day, we want to share DSV's mission to revolutionise the way we treat paediatric cancer patients, pioneering a paediatric-first approach

Despite their relative rarity in comparison to adult cancers, the collective impact of childhood cancer is tremendous, significantly contributing to the number of productive years of life lost. Whilst effective, the use of chemotherapy and radiation often results in the onset of adverse effects and the emergence of secondary cancers in their adult life.

Targeted approaches tend to be primarily developed for adults, disregarding the unique biological characteristics of children and the types of cancers they develop. This neglect of paediatric cancer from a commercial standpoint underscores the urgent necessity for innovative approaches that prioritise the well-being of these young patients.

It's imperative that we acknowledge these differences and strive for more effective and tailored treatments.

This is the core reason why we, at Deep Science Ventures, feel compelled to address these challenges head-on, and underscores the importance of organisations like Innovate UK taking proactive steps to support efforts in this space, for which we are deeply appreciative.

With the support of Innovate UK, we are building an alliance to create the next generation of paediatric-focussed therapeutic companies. We have published a white paper commissioned by Innovate UK detailing these crucial differences and outlining potential avenues for exploring novel therapeutic approaches.

Download the white-paper here

Get in touch if you'd like to learn more about our paediatric cancer venture creation alliance here